
It’s one week until we celebrate Good Friday followed by Easter Sunday. A week before this actual event took place, Jesus was making His way to Jerusalem. He knew His mission — to die for the sins of the world as we are reminded in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life.”

Years later there was a man named Saul, educated and zealous. He was making his way to Damascus. He knew his mission — to arrest Christians and bring them to trial. Saul did not fulfill his mission, because Jesus met him along the way and changed his life for eternity. Saul, who changed his name to Paul, also had a changed heart. His new mission was to follow Jesus, telling everyone he met that — “God so loved the world He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life.”

This is what Jesus does. He meets you along the road of your journey, and gives you a new heart, a clean heart, a heart filled with the Holy Spirit to guide you along new roads, the best roads for you. He forgives your every wrong, wiping the slate clean. He replaces your fears, distresses, and feelings of hopelessness, with His own peace, no matter outward circumstances. He fills you with the joy of eternal hope for all your days on earth, and for life beyond in the eternal City of God.

We all travel different roads. They are sometimes happy, sometimes grievous, sometimes frightening, sometimes tranquil. When Jesus meets you along your road, and you allow Him into your life, receiving His forgiveness, letting Him guide you on new paths, permitting the Holy Spirit to mold you into the magnificent ways of Jesus, it all leads to peace of heart that is found in no other. “Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).”

I wish you peace and joy today as you reflect on the truth of, “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life.” May you be blessed with great joy and peace on the road you travel with Him for all your days.

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